1001 E Chicago Ave, Suite 143 Naperville, IL 60540    


Are you teeth grinding in your sleep?

Are You Teeth Grinding in Your Sleep?

What Is Teeth Grinding? Chronic teeth grinding or clenching is a medical condition called bruxism. There are a variety of causes including stress, anxiety, sleep apnea, an abnormal bite, crooked teeth, or missing teeth. Whatever the cause, teeth grinding can cause teeth to fracture, become loose, or fall out. Or, teeth can wear down to

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Risk factors for bruxism, teeth grinding

Risk Factors for Bruxism

Bruxism Is Common Bruxism is teeth grinding that leads to dental problems. It’s been estimated that 30 to 40 million Americans suffer from the condition. But you couldn’t possibly be one of them, right? If you were clenching your teeth, you’d know it, wouldn’t you? Don’t be so sure. One form of bruxism that dentists

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Naperville, Illinois

1001 E Chicago Ave


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