1001 E Chicago Ave, Suite 143 Naperville, IL 60540    

causes for tooth pain

What is Causing My Tooth Pain?

One of the most common reasons for people to visit the dentist in Naperville is that they are experiencing tooth pain.  A toothache may seem like a small thing to someone who has never had one, but people who have experienced it know how painful they can be! There are many factors and causes of tooth pain that you have to be on the lookout for. Local dental care and assistance, like what you will find here at Comfort Care Family Dental, can help! To get you started, we wanted to highlight some of the most common types of tooth pain we see in our offices:

What Is Temperature Sensitivity?

While this tooth pain usually is short-lived, lasting only seconds to a few minutes in most cases, it can be very painful.  Dealing with pain associated with hot and cold temperatures can make eating next to impossible. It can make mealtime something that is dreaded rather than looked forward to. This intense sensitivity and pain can be caused by developing cavities, tooth decay, wearing enamel, root nerve damage, and infections. Your dental team can check for cavities and any other issues that might be causing your sensitivity. Otherwise, the best thing you can do is use mouthwash and toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth and to be sure to keep up with good brushing and flossing habits. This is one of the causes of tooth pain that our team of local dental care and assistance experts can help with!

What Type Of Pain Pain Is There After Dental Procedures?

Dental work is done to help you feel better and in the long run, most dental procedures do just that. However, they can also cause dental pain in the short term. Depending on what had to be fixed, there may be trauma to the underlying areas of the tooth and gum that are painful while they heal. This pain usually is temporary and begins to fade as the area heals. Minor procedures are usually better in a few days to a week and more invasive procedures may take a few weeks to a month to fully heal and for the pain and tenderness to be gone. Dental pain is no fun but if a little pain and discomfort are needed to address larger and more serious problems with your teeth and gums it is a good trade-off. Our dental team can help you recover and deal with the temporary pain after your procedures.

tooth pain

I Have Pain When Eating

This kind of dental pain is usually caused by underlying problems with the tooth and gums themselves such as tooth decay, loose or missing fillings, cracked teeth, or severe gum infections. A simple filling can easily be replaced so it is worth heading to the dentist to get it checked.  More involved problems like gum disease or dental decay need more advanced treatment but it still must be done.  Regardless of what is causing it, your tooth pain will only get worse if you don’t find and deal with the underlying problem. At Comfort Care Family Dental, we offer local dental care and assistance to all so all or stop by today to see the difference we can make. Don’t let tooth pain steal away your joy of mealtime; get it taken care of today!

I Have Lingering Tooth Pain

This is one of those red flag warning symptoms that you will want to pay close attention to if it is one that you are experiencing on a regular basis. This is the one symptom that can easily be ignored and overlooked yet it is one of the most threatening of them all. Everyone has a different threshold for pain so lingering pain may be a sign of a serious condition. Cancer, infection, tooth decay, and gum disease can present dull lingering pain as a symptom, especially early on. It there is a severe infection or tooth and gum disease present the affected tooth or teeth may be lost. There are several dental procedures that can be used to save the remaining part of the tooth while cleaning out the decay and infection. But you have to act before the condition gets too severe so report any tooth pain to your dentist.

I Have Constant Tooth and Gum Pain

Constant pain, regardless of whether you are chewing, what you have eaten, or what you are doing, is something that cannot be ignored. This kind of constant, unabating pain that cannot be relieved is a sign of an acute infection. Without treatment to kill the infection and protect the remaining teeth, the infection can grow and spread to other teeth. Severe infections kill the teeth and can even kill gum tissue and the bone of your jaw! If the infection is allowed to run unchecked for too long it can get into the bloodstream and spread throughout your entire body. This can be fatal if it gets to your vital organs or affects too many areas of your body at the same time. You have to take care of this type of tooth pain as soon as possible- you cannot afford to put it off!

To learn more about the common causes of tooth pain and what treatment options there are available to you give the Comfort Care Family Dental team a call. When it comes to finding local dental care and assistance, none are better and you will not find a dental team as knowledgeable and experienced as us!  So, make the appointment and put an end to your dental pain once and for all!

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